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Libri in Inglese

By Jack Rosenthal By Jack Rosenthal
Presented as a screenplay, this is an autobiography of Jack Rosenthal. This work features him as the central character. It's storyline is that of his own life, and the supporting cast...
By Jack Rosenthal
€ 13.11

A Life Of Henri Matisse A Life Of Henri Matisse
Offers an exploration of Matisse's world, uncovering the secret life of the artist, whose paintings shocked and infuriated his contemporaries while paving the way for modern art.
A Life Of Henri Matisse
€ 21.86

An Amazing Life An Amazing Life
The late Sir Peter Blake was perhaps the greatest competitive yachtsman of all time. In this biography, the author traces Blake's extraordinary life...
An Amazing Life
€ 14.57

Twentieth Century Scottish Poetry Twentieth Century Scottish Poetry
It was an energetic 'No' to provincialism, and a vigorous 'Yes' to nationalism as an enabler of poetry. This work is a Douglas Dunn's anthology of poetry.
Twentieth Century Scottish Poetry
€ 18.94

Wild Ducks Flying Backward Wild Ducks Flying Backward
A collection of short fiction and non-fictional essays, many appearing in print for the first time, a real treat for longtime fans.
Wild Ducks Flying Backward
€ 11.65

A Biography A Biography
George S Patton evoked contradictory appraisals, but he also embodied contradiction: a cavalryman steeped in romantic military tradition...
A Biography
€ 21.86

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Valentino Rossi Valentino Rossi
Il libro ti racconterà la sua vita, dagli inizi della carriera fino al meritato successo.

Bestseller Bestseller
Approfitta di tutte le offerte, migliaia di libri nuovi a metà prezzo!

Starbene Starbene
Il mensile per curarsi! Ogni mese le risposte più esaurienti alle domande sulla salute.

Men's Health Men's Health
Abbonati a Men's Health, la rivista parla all'uomo che desidera sentirsi in forma. Risparmio 25%!



Altri prodotti:
Abbonamenti Riviste - Bestsellers - Dizionari Linguistica - Fiabe - Fumetti - Guide di Viaggio - Libri Astrologia - Libri Comici - Libri Cucina - Libri Diritto - Libri Esoterismo - Libri Fantascienza - Libri Filosofia - Libri Gialli - Libri Giardinaggio - Libri Horror - Libri Informatica - Libri Politica e Società - Libri Psicologia - Libri Salute e Benessere - Libri Storia e Biografie - Libri Storia Moderna e Contemporanea - Libri Thriller - Narrativa Straniera - Romanzi - Romanzi d'Amore

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